Senin, 06 April 2020

Surat dari Rumah (2)

Sebagaimana kita:
dua titik kecil berserakan di peta usang
dan kalender tak lagi menunjukkan masa

tapi rasa

Kala merenta, tapi
kita masih jadi murid murid takdir
belajar menulis indra, membaca tanda, mengeja pinta

hingga riuh reda
dan ku kaupeluk dalam rida.

well,  I can't reach you to say no  
so you will always hear my yes

Letters from Home

We are who we are:
two small dots scattered on an obsolete map
and the calendar no longer shows time

but feelings

Earth gets old, but
we're still being newbies of qadar
learn to write senses, read signs, spell hopes

until the page is folded
and we're in the same path of riḍā.